Saturday, November 12, 2011

Joey's Birthday Was a BLOW Out!

...a Nerf dart blow out!

We spent the day getting ready...


making the cake... 
(a magical forest scene with tootsie roll trees and lego blow dart guys), 

Then there was time for a little rest and reading time as storm clouds moved in.

Finally it was time, the 3 friends started arriving and Joey told them how they were going to make Nerf blow guns out of PVC pipe.  On the dining room table was an array of colored electrical tape and duct tape, along with string, scissors, and 2 ft. pieces of 1/2 inch PVC pipe.
Each kid got busy designing their own pipe...each one unique!

At last we were ready for the treasure hunt to find the darts! The first clue was given in the kitchen but, all 7 others were outside.  They took turns reading and then someone would have an idea and off they would run. (Maggie was a HUGE asset in the treasure hunt!)







Oh, there was some searching to be done...

At last they found the darts and the target practice began!
I have to say, they were all quick to pick up on the finer points of good dart blowing.

...believe it or not, not one person was hit!

There were targets to hit.

Then they went for distance, clearing the roof and backyard fence.

The mighty dart athletes line up, ready to blow...

...and blow!

Ahhh, time for cake...

A good time was had!
These are a some great friends!

And now for a little look back to birthdays past with these friends...

Joey turns five!

hmmm...same cake....

good times!

Joey turns six!

Hmmm...similar cake theme, too!

Joey turns 7!